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Trust Fall

Since getting home from the race David and I have had clear steps. Step 1) start dating 2) get engaged 3) move down to South Carolina 4) get married 5) go to CGA. Five steps and we have been checking…

30 Days of Cancer

10 days before Jenna and I were suppose to move to Gainesville, I received a phone call from my brother telling me that my mom had been diagnosed with uterine cancer. That was ground shaking. I did not know how…

Marriage is Hard

Since getting married and even before that people have been constantly telling me that “marriage is hard.” I know I have only been married for a short amount of time but over the past three months and especially the past…

New Week New Chapter

Jenna’s thoughts… Coming to CGA has been the plan for David and I since coming home from the race and its FINALLY here! We have had such a wonderful year of growth and our own personal adventure but we are…

Keeping up with God

Hey everybody! We just wanted to let everyone know how our last few days has gone. Well, as we approached the weekend we were quite short of our first financial deadline. We were at $2,600 and needed to be at…

A Letter From My Dad

Hey, I wanted to share a letter with you all. It’s a letter from my dad from a few years ago. I asked my dad if he would speak at my church as a sendoff before I went on the World Race.…

What You’ve Been Asking

When we have conversations with family and friends about David and I feeling called to a life overseas, there are often many questions that arise. I tried to answer a few of them below.   Why go overseas? We truly…

Our New Adventure

Well, it’s been over a year since the World Race ended and a new chapter has begun. What I expected to be a period of rest has been anything but relaxing. From moving across the country to GETTING MARRIED, life…