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A Letter From My Dad

Hey, I wanted to share a letter with you all. It’s a letter from my dad from a few years ago. I asked my dad if he would speak at my church as a sendoff before I went on the World Race. This letter was what he had to say. I think it sums up his heart and our parents emotions as they processed us going on the world race and as our parents prepare for us to live overseas….


22 years ago Jenna came into this world and I held her for the first time, as I looked down into her eyes I wondered who will this beautiful little girl turn out to be. Will she be the type of person that makes a difference in this world. And then I prayed to God the prayer I am sure most parents pray. God please watch over her, protect her and keep her safe, give me the wisdom, guidance and knowledge to teach her. Then you hear a reply from God, you can keep this one for a while, Love her, teach her about me and enjoy the time you have with her. This one is special and I have a plan for her.

Then one day she comes into your room and you hear, Want to hear my new plan. “I am going to take a summer and hike the Appalachian Trial” and you pray again, God, I know you have a plan for her but can’t we make it something else, I am not ready yet. Time passes and she begins to blossom, you can start to see the person she is meant to be as she gives up her Easter break to go on a mission trip to New Orleans.

Then one day she comes into your room and says “want to hear my new plan, I am going to be a Photo Journalist and travel the world taking pictures. And you pray, really God, can’t we find another way for her to travel the world. And God says I told you this one is special and I have a plan for this one, Love her, teach her and cherish your time with her because she is almost ready. She spreads her wings a lit4tle more and takes a trip to China.

Then one day she comes in to your room and says, want to hear my new plan, “There is an organization that is called The World Race and God has told me to get ready because I am going on an adventure”. And you tell her go to your room and play with your dolls Daddy needs to have a very important conversation. And God says, I told you this one is special and I have a plan for her, she is ready and you need to let her go.

So here we are two weeks away and I can see God’s master plan, my little girl is no longer a little girl and she is ready: her gift of Joy, compassion, understanding and love will be used to share his word. She will touch the hearts of so many people in her special way. As her father, I am worried, Scared, excited, happy– you name it I am feeling it but most of all I am proud.


Hey, so we just want to update everyone on our support raising. We are a little over half way to our first deadline. We have two weeks to raise the remaining $1,900 by January 29th. We can’t do it without you all. Thank you for the prayers and support!


Jenna and David