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Thoughts & Inspiration

Our New Adventure

Well, it’s been over a year since the World Race ended and a new chapter has begun. What I expected to be a period of rest has been anything but relaxing. From moving across the country to GETTING MARRIED, life hasn’t quite been as calm as I was expecting. I’m actually still processing this new journey. I came home from the race with so many stories to tell, new places to love, incredible friends, a whole new understanding of my relationship with Jesus, and a new journey to begin.

When I left for the race there was no doubt in my mind that I’d be going back overseas in the future. I also hoped that God would use the year to show me my calling and where he wanted me to be. He did that and so much more. He prepared me for a life overseas but also prepared me to be a wife to the most incredible man. I would have been content with a single life but Gods plan included a partner to lead me and to stand beside me through the excitement and the disappointments of day to day life. I am beyond excited that God used the race to introduce me to my husband and I am beyond excited that David and I get to plan the next step of our adventure together.

David and I both feel that we are called to a life overseas and would love to go as soon as possible. In order to be better prepared to take our love of Jesus overseas, we have decided to enroll in CGA in the Long term Mission Track. CGA stands for Center for Global Action and it is with Adventures in Missions in Gainesville, Georgia. We will have the opportunity to learn from people who have gone before us. We will get to live in the community we learned to love on the race. We will have the chance to intern in an area that we are most passionate about at the Adventures in Missions office. We know that as we are just starting to figure out married life there is no better place for us to really get to a chance to be poured into as we are being equipped for overseas life.


We are now starting the process of fundraising for our next step at CGA. The three month training costs about $8000 for both us to live and learn. We know that the money sounds like a lot and many of you have given to us in the past. We believe that God has called us to CGA to be trained so we also believe he will provide the funds we need to go. If you would like to donate please know that anything helps. If you are unable to donate we are looking for people to partner in prayer with us as we begin CGA and to figure out where God is calling us overseas!

Thank you for being part of my journey in reading this blog, donating, praying, and being there when I needed to talk! You’ll be hearing from me soon! Love you all so much!

-Jenna Towns