When we have conversations with family and friends about David and I feeling called to a life overseas, there are often many questions that arise. I tried to answer a few of them below.
Why go overseas?
We truly believe God has created us specifically to live overseas. We love living in the states but we know that it was never supposed to be our always home. We love experiencing new cultures. We love that there are so many places to love and people to love in this world. We think God designs some people to do ministry here in the states but others he designs to live elsewhere. One of the big lessons God taught us on the race is that anywhere can be home if you find you love the people.
Won’t you miss your family?
I cannot begin to explain how much I will miss my family, and already do living in a different state then my parents and brothers. But God tells us in the bible that we are meant to leave our parents and become one with our spouse. So as much as I will miss my family David is my new family now. My parents will always be important and a huge part of our lives but I was always meant to do life with David.
Why not help people here?
As much as we want to help people build homes, or bring clean water, provide education, or jobs that is not why we are going overseas. We are going to bring the good news of Jesus to the people of this world. We will have a way to reach people through humanitarian works but that will only be to open doors to be able to tell people of our loving savior. It is also not a question of who we love more or who deserves it more. We feel like God has designed us to be overseas.
What about when you have kids?
When David and I decide to have kids we will have them overseas. We don’t know how that will look and we can’t guarantee that the education will look the same as in the states or that health care will be of the same quality. We honestly have no idea what having kids wherever we are will look but we are excited to see our children grow up with the people we plan to minister. We know that God will use them to speak into the lives of the people around us where ever we are. David and I will have kids overseas and we know they will be incredible their lives will just look a lot different than it would if they grew up in the states. I sort of answered part of this with the question on missing people; however, us missing family will multiply when we have children. We know that both of our parents and siblings will want to be around their grandkids/nieces and nephews, and rightfully so. This is something that we dread, but we know what God has called us to so we are willing to face the struggles that come with it.
These are just a few of the questions I get when I tell people my future plan. I would love to try to answer more questions if you have them! Send them my way!
We are in the process of fundraising for our next step at CGA. The three month training costs about $8000 for both us to live and learn. We know that the money sounds like a lot and many of you have given to us in the past. We believe that God has called us to CGA to be trained so we also believe he will provide the funds we need to go. If you would like to donate please know that anything helps. If you are unable to donate we are looking for people to partner in prayer with us as we begin CGA and to figure out where God is calling us overseas!
Thank you for being part of our journey and in reading this blog! I love you all so much! Talk to you soon.
Love, Jenna and David Towns