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Since getting home from the race David and I have had clear steps. Step 1) start dating 2) get engaged 3) move down to South Carolina 4) get married 5) go to CGA. Five steps and we have been checking them off one by one, but now we are here and we don’t know where we are going. It’s scary being in the not knowing. We’re here at CGA getting trained to live as missionaries overseas but we don’t know what country God is asking us to. We don’t know where we are being called but we know that God asked us to take this step. Sometimes  God asks us to take a huge step and let him lead us. I am learning to love the not knowing. I believe that more glory will be given to God because it his will that in October we will be in a new country and that we had no control of this plan. God has given me a season of the unknown as a season of rest and comfort. He is teaching me without a plan he is enough. He doesn’t need me to know where I am going. David might be learning something different. God might be preparing to tell him where we’re going, but here and now in CGA with no set plan God is everything.


We are starting to pray into a few countries and I am excited that before we leave CGA God is going to let us know where he wants us. When we hear yes we will be sharing it with you! Until then we would like to ask for you to pray for us. Pray that when it’s God’s time he gives us clarity on where to go, that he gives us and our families peace about it, and that we are able to find people who want to partner with us financially.


This  blog is a quick one because I just wanted to give you a peace of my heart and keep you updated on my journey so far! David and I are so thankful for your constant encouragement, for reading our blogs, for praying for us and for financially supporting us! You are an incredible gift in our lives we love you!