Since getting married and even before that people have been constantly telling me that “marriage is hard.” I know I have only been married for a short amount of time but over the past three months and especially the past couple of weeks here at CGA I am reminded of what a blessing it is to be married. At the end of the day when I’ve had an incredible day or I have had a miserable day I come home to a man who wants to hear all the details, a man who wants to encourage me, process with me, and give me advice. We talk a lot about going with teams and having a person who is fighting for you when you decide to go overseas.
The day I said yes to David as my husband I said yes to my team! I said yes to a life of pursuing Gods calling on our lives! I truly believe that whether it’s with a team or with a spouse you are supposed to do life with someone! We were meant to go with someone! My team, although we might add people along the way, is David and I could not be more excited to see how God uses us!
Marrying David has been one of the most incredible blessings God has ever given to me. I look at David and I am reminded of Jesus’ love for me. I am reminded of the beautiful love story that is written across the entire bible. I can’t help but to look at David and see more of God in my life.
I know that there will be challenges along the way but I can’t wait to walk through those challenges with David.