In a culture of Kingdom bringers, I often find that I compare myself to everyone around me. I look at the girl pouring her heart at worship Monday morning and think “well I don’t have that talent.” I look at the man bringing an incredible message at a class the next day and I think that my gifts and talents won’t ever live up to that. It’s amazing how much letting comparison creep in can bring you to such a low place. I looked at my dreams and started to believe that I was not talented or gifted enough to complete them. I started to think that I was not enough.
But the Lord said to Samuel “ Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”
-1 Samuel 16:6-7
I read the verse above and it reminded me of something… If I had no other talents or gifts God calls me enough. He looks at my heart and sees that it is for him. He tells me that even if I had nothing else to offer him and the people of this world my heart is enough! God has called me to a huge dream to bring his word to the people of the world. He has given me a heart that loves deeply and cares intensely and he says that that is what I need to tell the people he calls me to that he is the one true God. He tells me that comparison does not make sense in the Kingdom because every gift and talent is needed!
Thank you for reading and letting me share my heart with you! We love you all so much and are so thankful to have all of your support in prayers, financial donations, and encouragement!
-Love, Jenna!